Most Requested Briefs

Own Your Inbox

15 Years in 45 Minutes

Three Slide Presentation Concept

Leadership Briefings I’ve Gathered

Amazon notes – Working Backwards

Building High Performing Teams

Organizational Culture

Drink TEA Serve TEA

Lessons from Command – Padgett

CPTS Operating Instruction

Time Management – Gilchrist

Congrats You’ve Been Selected for Command

Ideas for Comptroller Command

Reflections on Command – Minken

Author: Matt Miller

Matt is the civilian comptroller for the 301st Fighter Wing in Fort Worth, Texas and a Reserve finance officer. He spent seven years on active duty before returning home to Texas and beginning the second chapter of his life. He is an avid maker that loves golf, reading, welding, carpentry and tinkering with electronics. An amateur at many things and master of none.