AFI Crosswalk of A1 Regulations

I realize this site is devoted to Financial Management news, but we often work side-by-side with personnel and it’s important to at least be familiar with their regs and their recent changes.

To comply with the Secretary of the Air Force’s Publication Reduction Initiative, the A1 Community reviewed 383 directive publications.  The team revised or rescinded outdated publications or those inconsistent with other documents, and consolidated information from like programs to create an A1 library of only 160 publications.  This new library pushes decision making to lowest levels possible, allowing Airmen to use good judgment in accomplishing the mission and reviving a culture of centralized mission direction and decentralized execution.  In response to your concerns, the A1X Pubs Cell updated the attached Pubs crosswalk to bridge the historical publication numbers and current/future publications.

This message and others can be found on the A1 SharePoint.
