Microsoft Teams Tips

Microsoft Teams Hot Keys

In the Teams search box, type the slash command /keys

Add a Chat link to your signature block, msteams://

  • You can control Teams with the top search bar with a “/”
  • For example, if you want to chat with someone, no need to click all over. Simply type, “/chat Stefan Choquette What are you doing?”
  • A new chat will open with Stefan and a message will be sent asking what he is doing

Here is a complete list of commands

You can quickly get the list just by typing “/” and a help list will appear


  • Type “Windows Key + .” on your keyboard to get a pop up with emojis
  • Search for emojis by simply typing a word and the window will update

Use the Subject Line when starting a new conversation

  • When starting a new conversation, always add a subject line. Click the font icon (the A with the pen, next to the paper clip) This will also allow you to format the body of the message.
  • Also, when replying to a conversation, use the reply button. Do not start a new conversation with your reply.

Author: Matt Miller

Matt is the civilian comptroller for the 301st Fighter Wing in Fort Worth, Texas and a Reserve finance officer. He spent seven years on active duty before returning home to Texas and beginning the second chapter of his life. He is an avid maker that loves golf, reading, welding, carpentry and tinkering with electronics. An amateur at many things and master of none.