Heroes are near future versions of you

Getting older and Googling your hero’s age let’s you in on a dirty little secret. Most aren’t much older than you. This became tragically evident this week with the passing of Kobe Bryant. I grew up idolizing his work ethic and mamba mentality, yet we were only six years apart.

Why is that? Because if they were any older their message wouldn’t resonate. The distance would be too great.

Our favorite artists conveyed their experience and hard fought lessons learned in ways we could relate to. Our parents and teachers were trying to teach us those same lessons, but the generational divide got in the way.

Why does this matter? Because you are someone’s hero. You just don’t know it. A near-peer or subordinate is looking up to you right now. Your message resonates, because you have been where they are and made it through. You survived and that gives them hope.

Real heroes don’t wear capes. They work in cubicles, wear uniforms and make PBJs before school.

Someone is watching you. What are they seeing?

Author: Matt Miller

Matt is the civilian comptroller for the 301st Fighter Wing in Fort Worth, Texas and a Reserve finance officer. He spent seven years on active duty before returning home to Texas and beginning the second chapter of his life. He is an avid maker that loves golf, reading, welding, carpentry and tinkering with electronics. An amateur at many things and master of none.