AFAFO Aged Travel Orders Deobligation Policy

Aged Travel Orders Memo

Below is the latest policy guidance from AFAFO regarding the deobligation of aged travel orders. This memo supersedes the guidance provided April and May 2019.

The memo lays out specific criteria under which base comptroller offices and the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can deobligate aged vouchers. This memo gives a tremendous amount of authority back to the bases and should help curb an age old problem.

How are you utilizing the memo? What systems have you put in place curb aged orders? Do you have any helpful guides or tutorials you would like to share? Use the comments below to provide feedback and links to any helpful materials.

Source: AFAFO-A

Policy as of: 7 February 2020


Author: Matt Miller

Matt is the civilian comptroller for the 301st Fighter Wing in Fort Worth, Texas and a Reserve finance officer. He spent seven years on active duty before returning home to Texas and beginning the second chapter of his life. He is an avid maker that loves golf, reading, welding, carpentry and tinkering with electronics. An amateur at many things and master of none.