GPC Certifying Officer Appointment Guidance from AFAFO

We know when the new SmartPay 3 contract came on board, there was some confusion on what responsibilities were AQ and what were FM. FM is responsible for appointing the certifying officer; hope this memo clears things up going forward. Instructions to appoint certifying officers in the system are attached in the memo.

Below are additional instructions for getting your appointing authority access to the system to appoint certifying officers:

  • If you are brand-new to PIEE, you must register to create your account.
    • Using Internet Explorer, go to, sign the Consent Statement, and select the “Register” button to start the process.
    • Register with your CAC as a Government – DoD user, following the system prompts. See the previous slide for FAQs relating to DoDAACs.
    • Select “JAM – Joint Appointment Module” from the Application list, and select “DD577 Appointing Authority (DD577-AA)” from the Roles list. Click “Add Roles.”
    • Click “Group Lookup” to find and select your Group.
    • Enter your justification and follow the system prompts to complete your registration.
  • When you have completed the registration, your Supervisor will receive a system-generated email to approve your request.
  • After your supervisor has approved your registration request, an approval notification will be sent to your Component’s Group Administrator (GAM).
  • You are now ready to use PIEE


Michael Smiley, GS-15

Director, Air Force Accounting and Finance Office – Accounting



Author: Matt Miller

Matt is the civilian comptroller for the 301st Fighter Wing in Fort Worth, Texas and a Reserve finance officer. He spent seven years on active duty before returning home to Texas and beginning the second chapter of his life. He is an avid maker that loves golf, reading, welding, carpentry and tinkering with electronics. An amateur at many things and master of none.